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Ransomware Defense Essentials: Why EDR and NDR Are Key

The Institute for Security and Technology's Ransomware Task Force reported a 73% increase in ransomware attacks from 2022 to 2023.

Increasingly targeted ransomware attacks, has cyber professionals on high alert securing their networks and understandably with a single attack being potentially such a massive loss (both in terms of finance, operational disruption as well as brand damage). A company that relies on its data to operate or grow should make setting in place a defense against ransomware a top priority. But we cannot take any protection measure without knowing what ransomware is all about.

Understanding Ransomware

Ransomware is malware created with the intent to extort money. It works in certain ways such as blocking the user’s access to data, threatening to leak sensitive information, or even wiping out all data, and demands organizations to pay them a hefty amount of fee or “ransom.”

There are majorly 6 types of ransomwares:

  1. Encryption-based: The attacker encrypts your data making it unreadable without the decryption fees.
  2. Lock-screen: This locks your screen to disrupt the workflow and use data.
  3. Scareware: As the name suggests this scares the users with some spoof virus or fake message from law enforcement to urge a user into buying a ransomware-infected anti-virus software.
  4. Leakware: In this, the attacker steals sensitive information and threatens to leak it.
  5. Wipers: Wipers scare users into paying ransom with the threat of destroying the information.
  6. Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS): It is a tool for cybercriminals to launch a ransomware attack without needing any technical skills.

Best Defense Against Ransomware

Protecting your organization from malicious actors is becoming a top priority for organizations. They are leaving no stone unturned by creating proactive as well as reactive strategies. To help you understand those strategies better we have listed the best defense against ransomware.

  • Email security and spam filters

    People are still falling for phishing attempts making email, one of the most common entry points for any malware. Investing in advanced email security such as Fidelis Network® Mail Sensor for Office 365, can drastically improve your digital security. It can scan spam emails and filter them before it even reaches the user.

  • Security awareness training

    Even with the most advanced tools, humans are still prone to being tricked into sharing sensitive information. Awareness training can go a long way to teaching everyone to recognize red flags emails, messages, and phone calls. In the training session, do not forget to teach safe browsing habits as it should cover every aspect of creating a culture of data security.

  • Disable Unnecessary Features

    Control the access of external devices like USB and hard disk as they might be carriers of any harmful malware. Furthermore, disable features through which the network can be accessed remotely. These are the common entry points for attackers and disabling them can minimize the risk.

  • Backup and recovery strategies

    After implementing the proactive strategies, organizations will be prepared with a backup and recovery strategy. Creating a hack-proof network is practically impossible hence regular backup of data ensures that your operations are not disrupted even if you fall victim to ransomware attacks.

Ransomware Defense Through Fidelis’ EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) Solution

The idea behind Fidelis Endpoint® is that every connected device is a potential attack point for cybercriminals. Keeping an eye on such devices is nearly impossible, specifically for companies that are bigger in size.

Therefore, EDR is an essential tool for business as it works in 5 stages: 

  1. Device Monitoring: Fidelis Endpoint® provides 24/7 surveillance of all devices. 
  2. Flagging an incident: Fidelis’ EDR identifies and flags any anomalies. 
  3. Automated response: It automatically deploys rapid incident response as per predefined rules. 
  4. Threat analysis: Fidelis Endpoint® identifies sophisticated threats at any point along the attack lifecycle in real-time.  
  5. Alerting cybersecurity team: Fidelis EDR also alerts the IT team for further investigation. 

Defense Against Ransomware with Fidelis’ NDR (Network Detection and Response) Solution

NDR stands for Network Detection and Response. It functions similarly to EDR, except it is designed to secure the organization’s network. It monitors the inflow and outflow of data through packet analyses, observes a standard pattern, and investigates any deviation from the said pattern. As an advanced automated tool, it stops the breach by blocking any suspicious IP address or isolating the device. Simultaneously alerting the security operations team.  

Fidelis Network® also provides sandboxing, network forensics, DLP (Data Loss Prevention), threat intelligence, and automated security rules in one unified solution.

EDR and NDR: A Combined Ransomware Defense Strategy

The best ransomware defense strategy involves multi-layer tools and planning. One of the powerful strategies that work best for defeating any cybercrime is integrating NDR with EDR. It is a holistic approach to cyber security giving you a bird eye view of your network. This combined defense strategy has many benefits such as:

  • Improved Threat Detection

    With both solutions keeping an eye on the cyber infrastructure, they can detect threats quickly and launch an investigation.

  • Faster Incident Response

    With both solutions analyzing the attack, the cyber security team can find the correlation respond faster, and ultimately minimize damage.

  • Devising Future Strategies

    The established context of attack helps in devising robust future cyber defense strategy.

  • Penetration Testing

    The cyber security teams stimulate attacks on their own systems to find any underlying weaknesses.

Several industries have successfully integrated EDR and NDR in their defense strategy against any ransomware attack. Datasensitive organizations specifically in finance and healthcare have evolved their defense and have reported a significant decrease in successful ransomware attempts due to improved detection capabilities.

Steps to Integrate EDR with NDR

Step 1: Choose compatible EDR and NDR solutions

Choose Fidelis Network® and Fidelis Endpoints® as they are compatible and can be integrated through API.

Step 2: Set up data exchange

Configure the EDR solution so it can communicate and share data with the NDR solution.

Step 3: Correlate Data

Use Machine Learning and AI to set up correlation rules to analyze data from both sources.

Step 4: Automate Response Actions

Configure predefined response rules for when a threat is detected.

Step 5: Monitor and Fine Tune

Continuously monitor the integration and conduct regular testing to validate the integration.

Stop Ransomware - Automated Detection and Response

In conclusion, integrating NDR and EDR is a cybersecurity evolution providing organizations with the best defense against ransomware. By using both technologies, organizations can proactively stop any attack and reactively respond to it. But choosing solutions that are not only synergized but are also tailored to your organization is the key. If you are looking for EDR and NDR that can serve your requirement then Fidelis is the answer.

Trusted by many corporate and government bodies alike, we have 20+ years of experience in keeping your data secure.

About Author

Kriti Awasthi

Hey there! I'm Kriti Awasthi, your go-to guide in the world of cybersecurity. When I'm not decoding the latest cyber threats, I'm probably lost in a book or brewing a perfect cup of coffee. My goal? To make cybersecurity less intimidating and more intriguing - one page, or rather, one blog at a time!

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