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What is Extended Detection and Response?

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Defining Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is a comprehensive security solution which integrates various security products and data into simplified, unified systems. XDR security combines prevention, detection, investigation, and response to provide a holistic security approach.

How Extended Detection and Response Security Helps?

Extended Detection and Response provide integration and correlation of sensor data collected at multiple points within your enterprise: endpoints, external network boundaries (north/south traffic), internal network boundaries (east/west traffic), cloud workloads, and adaptive decoys. The capabilities of extended detection and response start with the foundation of pervasive visibility into network traffic, endpoint behaviors, and user activity. The visibility coupled with real-time and retrospective threat intelligence, use of analytics/machine-learning, and use of advanced deception leads to detections as well as the ability to investigate and hunt for attackers and insider threats or non-malicious misconfigurations.

Extended Detection and Response security enables alerts to be integrated and correlated, which increases the accuracy and actionability of alerts and can lead to earlier detection of attacks. Open and Active XDR also enables hunting and investigation of incidents based on rich historical data correlated from different data sources in a single-pane-of-glass. The analytics and machine learning capability not only enhance the detections and investigations but allow for the predictive capability to look for abnormalities and anomalies based on specific threat-driven models of deviations from baseline. The pervasive visibility, detections, and ingrained support for response (manual or automated) is the core of this process. What extended detection and response also enables is threat hunting, asset detection, and risk assessment, to allow for the fortification of the preventive posture base.

The “Response” in Extended Detection and Response

The continuous learning and adjustment of security posture towards better prevention and protection is a necessary part of the operations that constantly seek to reduce risk. The response in Extended Detection and Response is the differentiator: it enables responses like updated automatic configuration changes for preventive posture, faster investigations and resolution, automated responses, automatic deception paths, and more. When possible, responses can be automated to improve the efficiency and speed with which security teams identify potential cyber incidents, investigate and validate anomalous activity, and then respond to a cyber incident. This feature of XDR architecture allows for continuous adjustment in security posture to implement policy controls, reduce the attack surface and mitigate impact of attacks – thereby reducing risk to enterprise continuously.

Find Threats Faster With XDR

Benefits of an XDR cybersecurity solution

Comprehensive Threat Detection: An XDR security platform integrates multiple security components for a holistic view, enhancing the detection of advanced threats.

Reduced Alert Fatigue: Correlates and prioritizes alerts, minimizing volume and allowing focus on critical threats.

Faster Incident Response: Extended Detection and Response provides centralized visibility and automated response capabilities enable swift detection and containment of threats.

Improved Security Posture: Real-time insights and proactive risk mitigation strengthen overall security defenses.

Enhanced Visibility and Context: Detailed visibility and contextual information empower informed decision-making and effective response.

Scalability and Flexibility: Adaptable to varying organizational needs and scalable for growth.

Regulatory Compliance: Helps meet compliance requirements with comprehensive threat detection and reporting capabilities.

Cost Efficiency: XDR solution consolidates security tools, reduces manual effort, and mitigates financial impacts of breaches.

Future of XDR Security Solutions

Here is what the future of extended detection and response solutions could look like:

Integration of AI and ML: Expect increased integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for more advanced threat detection and response capabilities.

Expansion to SMEs: Anticipate wider adoption of XDR solutions by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking comprehensive cybersecurity without the complexity of managing multiple tools.

Regulatory Implications: Watch for regulatory frameworks evolving to accommodate XDR adoption and ensure compliance with data protection and cybersecurity standards.

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments: With the rise of hybrid and multi-cloud environments, XDR solutions will need to adapt to provide seamless security coverage across distributed infrastructures.

Threat Intelligence Sharing: Collaboration and threat intelligence sharing among organizations and XDR vendors may increase to enhance collective defense against sophisticated cyber threats.

Zero Trust Architecture Integration: Integration with zero trust XDR architecture principles to enforce strict access controls and reduce the attack surface, enhancing overall security posture.

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) Advancements: UEBA capabilities within XDR solutions may evolve to provide more granular insights into user behavior and insider threats.

Interoperability and Standardization: Expect efforts toward interoperability and standardization among XDR solutions to facilitate seamless integration with existing security ecosystems.

What to look for in an XDR Security platform?

Extended Detection and Response is a leading cyber defense strategy. An XDR cybersecurity tool provides visibility, detection, and response capabilities across every phase of a cyber-attack in on-prem, hybrid- and multi-cloud environments.

Key capabilities to look for in an XDR tool often include:

  • Unified coverage across hybrid IT environments, to enable centralized management and control of detection and endpoint security, response for networks, and cloud that provides contextual information and advanced analytics, blocks malicious activity, and offers remediation suggestions to restore affected systems.
  • Data Loss Prevention security solution, including line-speed decryption and re-encryption to mitigate the risks of accidental data loss and the exposure of sensitive data.
  • Email/Web Gateway Protection to defend users from email and internet-borne threats, and to help enterprises enforce policy compliance.
  • Open integration with third-party vendors to leverage existing investments and simplify operations, so organizations have a choice of technology while still benefiting from the inherent value offered from an extended detection and response platform.
  • Deception technology, to automatically create fake digital artifacts that confuse attackers and alert defenders to a hacker’s presence so IT teams can study and stop attackers before they reach production assets.

What Influencers are Saying About Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

The definition of XDR is “a security incident detection and response platform that automatically collects and correlates data from multiple security products,” according to Gartner Research, 2021.

Analyst firm ESG considers XDR to be an emerging, commercial version of a security operations and analytics platform architecture (SOAPA) that integrates security control points, automates remediation and IR, and provides advanced analytics for detecting advanced and sophisticated threats. “As it matures, XDR has the potential to improve security efficacy, streamline security operations, and modernize SOCs”.

These definitions lead to a unified, comprehensive yet open cybersecurity platform, which we offer with Fidelis Elevate.

Fidelis Elevate XDR® - Stops Cyber Threats 9X Faster

Fidelis Elevate® is an integrated and automated Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platform, purpose-built for proactive cyber defense that helps in operationalizing the security team’s objectives and fulfilling the core requirements of adaptive security architecture.

Fidelis Elevate®, enables IT security teams to be more efficient and effective.

This active XDR security platform:

Uniquely integrates deception solution with traditional detection and response across network security, endpoint security and cloud security to quickly re-shape the attack surface so you can stop adversaries earlier in the attack lifecycle.

This enables security teams to find, study and stop attackers earlier, while making it more costly and expensive for cyber adversaries.

Fidelis XDR Solution helps security teams answer the questions:

  • Where are adversaries lurking in our network?
  • How would hackers attack our business?
  • How do I stop cyber threats immediately?
  • How do I prevent future cyber-attacks?
Picture of Maria Glendinning
Maria Glendinning

Maria has worked at Fidelis Security for over 6 years, where she has evolved from an ISR to a strategic role as the Business Development and Channel Marketing Manager for the EMEA region. Her journey reflects a passion for cutting-edge technologies, particularly in the cyberspace, driving her relentless pursuit of new skills and knowledge to excel in her role. With a multicultural background, and fluency in three languages, Maria possesses a profound appreciation for diverse cultures and traditions, enriching her professional interactions with a global perspective. Beyond her professional pursuits, In her free time, Maria enjoys hiking, travelling, theatre and cinema, and socializing with friends and family."

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