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Active Directory Security

Your Active Directory is the Prime Target of Cyber Attackers!

Fidelis strengthens your defenses against the inevitable assault.

Fidelis Active Directory InterceptTM combines the power of NDR, Deception Technology and AD Log Monitoring in one platform.

See Fidelis Active Directory in Action- Request a Demo

There’s a Reason the Most Important Data on Earth is protected by Fidelis


of the 6 US Military Branches Defended


of the 10 Largest US Government Agencies Protected


Year-to-Date High Severity Malware Threats Identified


Year-to-Date Critical Vulnerability Exploitations Attempts Detected

There’s a Reason the Most Important Data on Earth is protected by Fidelis

Why does Securing Active Directory (AD) Matter?


Businesses worldwide have Active Directory as the primary identity store


of breaches now involve credential data from Active Directory


of organizations experienced an AD attack in the last two years

Proactive Defense for Your Active Directory

In this datasheet, we dive into how Fidelis Active Directory Intercept™ gives full and complete visibility into your active directory allowing to detect faster and defend better.

Our Global Clientele


Cellphone manufacturer


Convenience Store Chain


Pharmacy Chain


Largest Defense Contractor


Pharmaceutical Company


Mobile Service Provider

Catch These Risks Before they Impact your Organization

Credential Theft and Pass-the-Hash Attacks:

With Active Directory security measures organizations can mitigate the risk of credential theft.

Insider Threats and Unauthorized Access:

With granular access control features enable administrators to define and enforce permissions.

Ransomware and Data Breaches:

Robust backup and recovery solutions, enable organizations to restore systems and data in the event of a successful ransomware attack.

Benefits of Fidelis Active Directory Security

Why is Fidelis Active Directory Intercept™ the best AD Security Solution for you?

If Active Directory is the cornerstone of Identity for your Organization, Make the Move to Protect it From Threats Now!

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